The Dizzy Driller

72 hours - next to no brief - name creation | label design | box design
What a fun and exciting project.

AI Image Generation
Product & Packaging Design

The Brief

Ground Anchor Systems was looking for custom beer can labels and boxes for an end of year gift for their clients, customers, and staff. The catch, they got word from their printer that they needed the final files on Wednesday midday, they contacted me EOD on the Friday beforehand.

I was very excited about the project, but initially less excited about the timeline. We locked the job in on Monday morning, while needing to have the label designs submitted by Wednesday and the box design submitted by Thursday.

Coming into the project there was; no name for the beer, no definitive style direction, and a brief containing that it should be somewhat branded, but fun and sticking to civil construction concepts. This left a lot of room for creativity and bringing my own style into the project.

The Finished Product

The Concept

Rapid Prototyping with AI

After a couple hours of discussion we came to the conclusion that the brief we would follow for the name would be as follows

"We want it to be cheeky and fun, but also maintain a level of seriousness and relation to our industry. It has to be understandable to non technical people but ultimately connect with the guys in the field"

With the tight timeframe and no personal experience in the industry, I took to my assistant, ChatGPT for help to get started.  We then brainstormed together for a few hours and came to consensus on "The Dizzy Driller"

The Process

Utilizing different tools

I used a combination of different image generation models (MidJourney and DALLE3) as well as a custom GPT I built for their business focusing on their brand guidelines, their company values, and all of the content about them on the internet. This allowed me to quickly iterate and come up with concepts that hit the mark straight away.

Once the rough concept was taken care of, I brought the design into photoshop and finished off the illustration.

We got the design to print with a couple of hours to spare.

In Conclusion

We ended up meeting both deadlines and had a product that we were all proud of and excited to send out into the world. There are now 463 six-packs of “The Dizzy Driller” in circulation around the South Island of New Zealand.

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